please note: all films are shown in English or with English subtitles
Feature Films
Music Videos

Max Feinstein - Borderlines
by CourTney Collins
USA, 2021
Both a statement on the early dates of the COVID-19 lockdowns and living with the rare bleeding disorder, Hemophilia. Written by Max Feinstein during the early pandemic while rehabilitating his elbow, Borderlines is a story of depression, rage, and ulitmately self determination.

Monsters - Dynoro
by Taisia Deeva
Ukraine, 2021
Shot by separate units in Kiev (The Martini Shot) and the US (Underwonder Content), the video features children cowering in terror, hiding from the unknown, only to be transported to a futuristic corridor where their anxieties are personified as a shrouded monster...

Watching Tides - We've Been So Close, Yet So Alone
by Lars Köppl & Jennifer Zachlod
Germany, 2021
"We've Been So Close, Yet So Alone" tells a story of a young adult coming to his former hometown. It seems that nothing changed except of him. The video deals with the feeling of nostalgia and dissonance which you can feel on the visual as well as on the narrative level.

Nepumuk - Whitey on the Moon
by Daniel Knußmann & Daniel Sax
Germany, 2021
In the year 2021, while the Terrans struggle for their daily bread, the irrevocable destruction of their planet continues. Regardless, a hero escapes into space. In his science fiction adventure, food is nonperishable and lovers are weak.
Short Films

Forgotten Dusk
by Daniel Ponga Munuzuri
France, 2022
Jahir lives in an isolated community on top of a hill. Improbably, he discovers his passion for painting, becoming a true virtuoso. Living in a precarious environment, the violence that surrounds him makes the young painter's dreams drift further away.

The Dreams Of Lonely People
by Marek Leszczewski
Poland, 2020
After twenty years in prison, a man returns to his family home to die alone. A mysterious figure from the magical world of nature begins to appear in his surroundings. Getting to know her could be the best time of his life. What are the real consequences of this meeting?
Experimental Film